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SMS Parent Teacher Conference Grades 7 - 8 sign up

In person Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held after the early dismissal on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. 7th and 8th grade conferences will be “student-led”. They will be held in the middle school cafeteria commons and parents should enter through the Activities Entrance. Some of you may be unfamiliar with the format of a “student-led” conference, so let me briefly explain. Your student will prepare a portfolio filled with examples of his or her work from all classes to share with you during your half-hour conference session. The goal is to give your student an opportunity to explain what he or she has been doing in class, what’s been learned, and areas where there is room for improvement. During this time, your student’s core teachers (Math, Science, English & Social Studies) will be available to meet with you and can answer any questions you may have.

Your student’s exploratory teachers will be available throughout the evening in the high school gym for arena style conferencing. No appointment necessary.

Please click on “7-8 Core” below and you will be able to select a conference time. There are 8 slots available every 30 minutes. Be sure to select ONE time slot and bring your student with you to the conference if at all possible.


7 - 8 Parent Teacher Conference Signup




Students Enrolled: 795

Student Teacher Ratio 14:1

100% of our teachers are certified

Ranks 29 out of 243

Among all school districts in Nebraska.

1:1 K-12

Chromebooks deployed for every student