Check Out SDA Schools Via Twitter
SDA Schools are now on Twitter. Get quick news updates on the latest games scores, upcoming events and more. Follow SDA via Twitter using @sdarockets .
SDA Schools are now on Twitter. Get quick news updates on the latest games scores, upcoming events and more. Follow SDA via Twitter using @sdarockets .
In a world where the only constant in Technology is change, parents should be as versed in technology as their children. This has been increasingly true of cell phones and the uses of them. For years, a phone was just a device that could make a call from one individual to another and while this is still true, there are many features that parents need to be aware of. The most discussed and arguably most dangerous part is the camera that has been conveniently integrated into the phone. While . . .
Arrangements have been made with KNCY radio in Nebraska City (located at 103.1 FM) to announce all school closing information. Also, Channels 8 and 10/11 in Lincoln and Channels 6 and 7 in Omaha will air this information. The decision as to whether school will be held will be made not later than 6:30 a.m. The school's information line (269-2555) also carries school closing information. The following links will take you to local TV Stations: Find the "School Closings" links for the latest list of schools that . . .