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Sexting... What people should know...

Sexting... What people should know...

In a world where the only constant in Technology is change, parents should be as versed in technology as their children.  This has been increasingly true of cell phones and the uses of them.  For years, a phone was just a device that could make a call from one individual to another and while this is still true, there are many features that parents need to be aware of.  The most discussed and arguably most dangerous part is the camera that has been conveniently integrated into the phone.  While this might seem like a good idea it has started a new craze that has been coined “sexting.”  Sexting could be defined as the transfer of explicit images and/or sexually based messages to any other phone or more importantly individual.  There are many reasons this could be potentially harmful to many people.  With a simple file transfer from picture messages to an online email account, the message or image sent could be cataloged or worse uploaded to many different Internet sites without the knowledge of the sender.  Although this is illegal, people might not know until it is too late and the damage might be irreversible.   It is illegal to possess or transfer child pornography even if the picture is of oneself and the image is on your personal phone.  To restate this point in a little different manner… you could be charged and added to a state’s sex offender registry for having sexually based pictures of yourself or others on your phone, that are not of legal age.


For parents there are limited resources out there as of today but I will list some sites below that might be able to help: (please click the links below)

Helpful tips for parents in talking to their children

Is Your Teen “sexting”

ABC News – “Sexting” Teens can go too far

Sabrina Watsonsabrinawatson09@yahoo.comSyracuseHigh School StudentMar 13, 2009I believe (that not only being my opinion) but that what we do on our cellphones is a private issue and the fact of the government wanting to take that away goes against our 1st amendment rights.
Abbey Oswalttwftoswalt@hotmail.comMar 23, 2009i agree to an extent, what we do on our phones isn't anybody elses buiness,even though if our message contain illegal content then yes it should be monitored but other than that, we shouldn't have our messages monitored
Abbey Oswalttwftoswalt@hotmail.comburrstudentMar 23, 2009i completly agree, even if the message is inappropriate, its not anybody's else's business. even though some messages should be illegal based on their content(like child pornography) but none the less it's no ones business
Jason Hutchison
syracuse nehigh school student
Apr 08, 2009i think that the government should stay out of kids life. it is pretty sad that they have to monitor what we are doing on our phones. It is our life and no one else should tell us what we can and can not text!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Connor Callahan
Syracuse, Ne
Apr 20, 2009the government should stay out of my business.
Alex Hinkleyalexhinkley@hotmail.comSyracusestudentApr 20, 2009i believe texting should just be abolished.
Jake Flores
Apr 24, 2009o disagree with you all i think that they should monitor us
Landon Zimmer
Apr 27, 2009Honestly, i think that this is such a stupid thing to worry about when there are still people over in Iraq. I think they should get their priorities straight.

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